Čemuž na svědomí jmenovaní plnomocníci podepsali dvojmo tuto smlouvu a připojili své pečeti.

Podepsáno v Canberra dne třetího srpna 1936.

L. S. H. S. GULLETT v. r.

Podepsáno v Praze dne devatenáctého srpna 1936.




Czechoslovak Articles accorded the benefit of the Australian Intermediate Tariff.

Tarif f Items in Australian Customs Tariff.

105. Piece Goods, viz.: ?

(D) (2) Silk, or containing silk or having silk worked thereon, except piece goods enumerated in sub-items (A) (1), (A) (3), (AA), (B), (C). (D) (1), (F), and item 130 (B) (1).

(K) Piece goods of a class or kind not produced in Australia which would otherwise be dutiable at a higher rate than that payable under this sub-item imported for use in the manufacture of neckties, as prescribed by Departmental By-laws ?

(1) Silk or in chief part by weight silk; wool or in chief part by weight wool and admixtures of wool and silk.

(2) Other.

106. (B) Trimmings and Ornaments, n. e. i. for Hats Shoes and other attire, not being partly or wholly of gold or silver; Braids n. e. i.; Fringes n. e. i.; Frillings; Rufflings; Pleatings; Ruchings; Ga loons n. e. i.; Ribbons n. e. i.; Tinselled Belting n. e. i.; Webbings n. e. i.; Belting for apparel not els.ewhere specified and not being cut to lengths for belts.

(E) Buckles Clasps and Slides for Hats Shoes and other attire ?

(2) Wholly of metal (not being partly or wholly of gold or silver) including metal enamelled.

(3) Non-metallic, other than those made of glass tinsel or pearl shell, with or without metal fittings or metal fastening devices.

(5) Peari shell.

(F) Buttons, n. e. i., including blanks and those partly finished ?

(2) Wholly of metal (not being partly or whally of gold or silver) excepting trouser buttons.

(3) Non-metauic, other than those made of glass or tinsel and those specified in paragraph (4) of this subitem, with or without metal fittings or metal fastening devices; Cloth Covered.

109. Artificial Flowers, Fruits, Plants, 1.caves, and Grains, of all kinds and materials.

110. (B) Apparel, knitted, and Apparel made from knitted or lockstitched piece goods, viz.: ?

(1) Blouses, Skirts, Underwear, and Bathing Costumes ?

(a) Cotton or other material n. e. 1.

(b) Wool or silk or containing wool or silk.

(2) Coats, Jumpers, Cardigans, Sweaters, and similar garments ?

(a) Girls' or Boys', i. e., with chest measurementunder 34 inches.

(b) Women's or Men's, i. e., with chest measurement 34 inches and over.

(3) Costumes, Dresses or Robes ?

(a) Cotton or other material n. e. i.

(b) Wool or containing wool but not containing silk.

(c) Silk or containing silk.

113. Gloves (except of rubber), viz.: ?

(B) N. E. I. including Mittens.

114. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets ?

(C) Fur Felt Hats in any stage of manufacture for men and boys, including fur felt hoods therefor.

(E) Hoods for girľs and women's hats, viz.: ?

(2) Fur Felt Hoods and Velour Hoods.

(F) (1) Felt Capelines for girls' and women's hats ?

(a) Wool Felt Capelines.

(b) Fur Felt Capelines and Velour Capelines.

(2) Felt hats for ghrls and women: Berets; Girls' and Women's Caps (other than bathing) of any material; Hats: n. e. i.; Bonnets.

136. Iron and Steel ?

(C) (1) Angle, Rod other than Wire Rod in Cails, Tee, Bar ex- ceeding one eighth of an inch in thickness and not being of fancy patterm; Bar exceeding one eighth of an inch in thickness of fancy pattern rolled direct from the billet bar or rod and in the state in which it leaves the rolls.

(D) Plate and Sheet (plain).

(E) (1) Wire of No. 15 or finer gauge (Imperial Standard Wire Gauge).

(2) Wire, other.

176. (L) Machinery and Equipment n. e. i., of the type used exclusively for the extraction, manufacture or refining of sugar.

177. (A) (3) Road Rollers, n. e. i., including scarifier attachments.

250. (A) Bottles flasks jars vials and tubes, n. e. i., of glass earthenware stoneware or china, empty or containing goods not subject to an ad valorem duty and not classifiable under Item 408.

(B) Articles of cut glass, including bottles decanters flasks and jars of cut glass empty or containing goods not subject to an ad

valorem duty and lamps and lampware of cut glass, but not including articles of etched or engrayed glass.

(C) Glassware n. e. i.

(D) Laboratory Glassware n. e. i.; Apparatus of glass for scientific purposes, n. e. i.

(F) Articles of glass including articles of etched or engraved glass [but not including articles covered by sub-items (B) and (E) ), viz.: ?

Dishes, tumblers, salads, bowls other than lightingware, nappies, jugs, candlesticks, butters, battery jars or cells, vas.es, trays, comports, flowerblocks, mugs; sundaes, goblets, measures including medicine measures.

(H) Thermometer s n. e. i.: ?

(1) Metal-cased or metal-scaled.

(2) Other.

305. (D) Chairs of wood, with cane or other seats.

309. Fancy Goods, viz.: ?

(B) Card Cases, Hatpins, Matchboxes, Serviette Rings and Clips, Sovereign Purses, n. e. i.; Button Hooks, Glove Stretchers, Shoe Horns and Lifts, Thimbles, Ivory and other ornamental figures, Feather Dusters; Beads strung or unstr ung and Necklets n. e. i., except those made of pearls cultured pearls precious stones precious metals or imitation precious metals.

(C) Articles for personal wear, not including articles partly or wholly of gold silver or other precious metal or imitations thereof or.partly or wholly of pearls or precious stones or imitations thereof, viz.: ? Broobches, Bangles, Studs, Sleeve Links and Tie Clips.

(D) N. E. I.

314. Jewellery, commonly known as rolled gold; Jewellery under 9- carat; Imitation Jewellery.

ex 316. Imitation Reconstructed and Synthetic Precious Stones and Pearls, urnset (not being beads).

328. Goloshes, rubber sand boots and shoes and plimsolls.

ex 413. Cigar and Cigarette Tubes Holders and Cases, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, n. e. i., and accessories; Smoking Requisites, including Cases, Tobacco Pouches, Smokers' Sets; Match Stands, Ash Trays, Smokers' Lamps, Cigar Stands, and Lighters.



The following articles shall not, except as provided in paragraph (3) of Article 2, be subjected to a higher duty under the Customs Tariff than 15 per centum ad valorem provided such goods are useed for the purpose or purposes specified and that the requirements or conditions of any Security to the Australian Customs, which may be entered into, are fulfilled or complied with.

Tariff Item

Description of Articles.

ex 404. Ex Departmental By-law No. 97.

Bars, hollow drill steel for use in the manufacture of drills for use in rock drilling machines.

Billets, nickel steel, for use in the manufacture of pinions, under security.

Billets, nickel steel, for use in the manufacture of gear wheels, under security.

Compound iron and steel, in the 9black, whether hardened and tempered or not, but not ground, for use in the manufacture of knives, under security.

Compound iron and steel, in the black, whether hardened and tempered or not, but not ground, for use in the manufacture of shears, under security.

Plates and sheets, cast steel, 3/8 inch and under in thickness, with or without centre hole, for use in the manufacture of saws, under security.

Sheets, steel, stainless, plain or polished, for all purposes.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of chasers, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of screw cutting dies, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of screwplates, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of stocks, under security. Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of taps, under security. Tips having a basic composition of tungsten, tantalum, cobalt, boron, and alloys thereof, but not including tips of high speed steel, for use in the manufacture of metal working roughing tools.



Tariff Item in Czechoslovak Customs Tariff

Deduction from General Rate


ex 37 a)

Apples from Ist April to 30th June picked from the tree within three months prior to importation


per centrum


Tariff Item in Czechoslovak Customs Tariff

Customs Rate


ex 83.

Sheepskins with or without wool, rabbit and hare skins, furred; raw (wet or dry, salted or preserved in lime but not otherwise prepared)

duty free


ex 139

Pearlshell and other shell

duty free

Tariff Item in Czechoslovak Customs Tariff

Customs Rate


ex 220

Wool itt the grease

duty free


488 a)

Lead, also alloys of lead with antimony, arsenic, tin or zinc

Kč 14.40


per 100 kg.


ex 571

Opals (genuine), unset

Kč 1800.?


per 100 kg.


The following articles shall not be subjected to a higher Primage Dttty than 5 per centum ad valorem.

Tarif f Items in Australian Customs Tarif f.

106. (E) Buckles Clasps and Slides for Hats Shoes and other attire -

(3) Non-metallic, other than

those made of glass tinsel or pearl shell, with or without metal fittings or metal fastening devices.

(4) N. E. I. (5) Pearl shell.

(F) Buttons, n. e. i., including blanks and those partly finished ?

(3) Non-metallic, other than those made of glass or tinsel and those specified in paragraph (4) of this sub-item, with or without metal fittings or metal fastening devices; Cloth Covered.

114. Hats, Caps, and Bonnets ?

(E) Hoods for girls' and women's hats, viz.: ?

(2) Fur Felt Hoods and Velour, Hoods.

(F) (1) Felt Capelines for girls' and women's hats ?

(b) Fur Felt Capelines and Velour Capelines.

ex 114. (F) (2) Fur Felt Hats for girls and women.

136. Iron and Steel ?

(B) Ingots, Blooms; Slabs, Billets,

Puddled Bars and Loops, or like crude manufactures, less finished than Iron or Steel Bars, but more advanced than Pig Iron (except castings).

(C) (1) Angle, Rod other than Wire Rod in Coils, Tee, Bar ex- ceeding.one eighth of an inch in thickness and not being of, fancy pattern; Bar exceeding one eighth of an inch in thickness of fancy pattern r olled direct from the billet bar or rod and in the state in which it leaves the rolls.

(G) High Grade Carbon Steels and Alloy Steels containing manganese, silicon, nickel, chromium, tungs- ten, titanium, vanadium, molybdenum, cobalt or other alloying elements, introduced to impart special qualities to the steel, viz.: ? ingots, billets, bars, die and tool blocks and blanks, also tapered or bevelled bars and other special shapes, as prescribed by Departmental By-laws.

250. (A) Bottles flasks jars vials and tubes, n. e. i., of glass, earthenware stoneware or china, empty or containing goods not subject to an ad valorem duty and not classifiable under Item 408.

(B) Articles of cut glass, including bottles decanters flasks and jars of cut glass empty or containing goods not subject to an ad valorem duty and lamps and lampware of cut glass, but not including articles of etched or engraved glass.

(C) Glassware n. e. i.

(D) Laboratory Glassware n. e. i.; Apparatus of glass for scientific purposes, n. e. i.

(F) Articles of glass including articles of etched or engraved glass [but not including articles covered by sub-items (B) and (E)], viz.: ?

Dishes, tumblers, salads, bowls other than lightingware, nappies, jugs, candlesticks, butters, battery jars or cells, vases, trays, comports, flowerblocks, mugs, sundaes, goblets; measures including medicine measures.

(H) Thermometers n. e. i.: ?

(1) Metal-cased or metal-scaled. (2) Other.

309. Fancy Goods, viz.: ?

(A) Card Cases, Cigar and Cigarette Cases Tubes and Holders, Hatpins, Matchboxes, Serviette Rings and Clips, Sovereign Purses, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, partly or wholly of gold or silver except gold or silver plated and rolled gold.

(B) Card Cases, Hatpins, Matchboxes, Serviette Rings and Clips. Sovereign Purses, n. e. i.; Button Hooks, Glove Stretchers, Shoe Horns and Lifts, Thimbles, Ivory and other ornamental figures, Feather Dusters; Beads strung or unstrung and Necklets n. e. i., except those made of pearls, cultured pearls precious stones precious metals or imitation precious metals.

(C) Articles for personal wear, not including articles partly or wholly of gold silver or other precious metal or imitations thereof or partly or wholly of pearls or precious stones or imitations thereof, viz.: ? Brooches, Bangles, Studs, Sleeve Links and Tie Clips.

314. Jewellery, commonly known as rolled gold; Jewellery under 9-carat; Imitation Jewellery.

K 316. Imitation Reconstructed and Synthetic Precious Stones and Pearls, unset (not being beads).

328. Goloshes, rubber sand boots and shoes and plimsolls.

The following articles shall not be subjected to a higher Primage Duty than 4 per centum ad valorem, provided such goods are used for the purpose or purposes specified and that the requirements or conditions of any Security to the Australian Customs, which may be entered into, are fulfilled, or complied with.

Tariff Item.

Description of Articles.

ex 404. Ex Departmental By-Law No. 97.

Bars, hollow drill steel for use in the manufacture of drills for use in rock drilling machines.

Billets, nickel steel, for use in the manufacture of pinions, under security.

Billets, nickel steel, for use in the manufacture of gear wheels, under security.

Compound iron and steel, in the black, whether hardened and tempered or not, but not ground, for use in the manufacture of knives, under security.

Compound iron and steel, in the black, whether hardened and tempered or not, but not ground, for use in the manufacture of shears, under security.

Plates and sheets, cast steel, 3/8 inch and under in thickness, with or without centre hole, for use in the manufacture of saws, under security. Sheets, steel, stainless, plain or polished, for all purposes.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of chasers, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of screw cutting dies, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of screwplates, under security.

Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of stocks, under security. Steel, tool, annealed, for use in the manufacture of taps, under security. Tips having a basic composition of tungsten, tantalum, cobalt, boron, and alloys thereof, but not including tips of high speed

Steel, for use in the manufacture of metal working roughing tools.

Final Protocol

to the Treaty of Commerce between the Czechoslovak Republic ancl the Commonwealth of Australia.

At the time of signing the Treaty of Commerce between the Czechoslovak Republic and the Commonwealth of Australia, the undersigned Plenipotentiaries make the following declaration which will form an integral part of the said Treaty

To Schedule B Part I.

It is agreed with respect to the period of three months prior to importation within which apples have to be imported in order to be eligible for a deduction of 65 % from the General rate of duty in the Czechoslovak Customs Tariff that the said period dates back from the day of Customs clearance in Czechoslovakia. The consignments of apples are to be accompanied by a certificate indicating the time of picking. Both Governments will agree upon a list of names of Australian authorities which will be charged with issuing the certificates.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed this Protocol in duplicate and have affixed thereto their seals.

Signed at Canberra, this third day of August, 1936.


Signed at Praha, this nineteenth day of August, 1936.




Československé zboží, jemuž se poskytují výhody australského středního tarifu.

Tarifní položky australského celního tarifu.

105. Kusové zboží, totiž:

(D) (2) Hedvábné nebo hedvábí obsahující nebo hedvábím opracované, vyjma kusové zboží, vyjmenované v podpoložkách (A) (1), (11) (3), (AA), (B),(C),(D) (1) (F), a v položce 130 (B) (1).

(K) Kusové zboží třídy nebo druhu, jež není vyráběno v Australii a jež by jinak podléhalo vyššímu clu, než jakému podléhá dle této podpoložky, dovážené k použití při výrobě vázanek, tak jak je předepsáno ministerskými nařízeními.

(1) Hedvábné nebo větším dílem dle váhy hedvábné; vlněné nebo větším dílem dle váhy vlněné a ze směsi vlny a hedvábí.

(2) Jiné.

106. (B) Prýmky a ozdoby jinde nezařazené, na klobouky, boty a jiné oděvnické zboží, nikoli zcela nebo z části ze zlata nebo stříbra; sutašky jinde nezařazené; třásně jinde nezařazené; náběry; volánky; úplety; ryšky; tressy jinde nezařazené; stuhy jinde nezařazené; opasky z kovových vláken jinde nezařazené; popruhy jinde nezařazené; látky na pásy pro oděvnické zboží jinde neuvedené a nepřiříznuté do délek pro pásy.

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